The Ch.E - Chartered Economists January 2025 Professional Examination Entry is opened.

Deadline 30th September 2024.

Late registration attracts a penalty.

Registration can be done via ACCE Offices in your Country


Email us via /

With your full name, Membership code, list of papers to be registered for the exam, and preferred country for the exam.

The payment procedure will be forwarded to you and the registration process will commence upon payment.

Exam registration confirmation will be emailed to you two weeks after the examination fee payment.

Candidates who successfully complete the program and pass the Chartered Economist Exam will join a credential group of esteemed professionals.

Please, email us and request the modules and reading materials for the January 2025 Examination.

Best Wishes,

International Board of Standards – IBS

Ch.E Council & Executive Board

– Asia – Latin America– Africa – Middle East

– EU & UK – Canada –India – Philippines